The UEFA Champions League. Europe's greatest stage. The world's greatest players. Ever wondered how you compare?  The players set the level. You try and match it. If you make 'the level', you win. 
Campaign BIG award
Facebook Studio Award
Immediately after every Champions League game, we received data straight from the players' adidas boot. Using an image taken from that game, only moments before, we instantly challenged fans on Facebook and Twitter to beat the player's stat and 'make Champions League level'.

Using their own miCoach Speed_Cell, fans had a week to upload their stats onto our Facebook site, which would automatically create an infographic that they could share with their friends  

At the end of each week, we posted a video analysing the game stats, and announcing the names and winners of the fans who had taken part within the video itself. By the end of the tournament we had created a 13 part, realtime, interactive series - giving fans the chance to interact with the Champions League, like never before.

Case Study video

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